As a first time mom, I drifted through my pregnancy thinking I knew it all, or at least most of it. I read What to Expect when Expecting and talked to my best friend constantly. She was an excellent source of information, having already birthed 2 babies and is probably the calmest mom I know! She also provided me with piles of maternity clothes, a stroller and a car seat, baby clothes, a breast pump, a carrier. Did I mention that she also made our wedding cake? I was set, right?
It wasn’t until I was sitting in my Lamaze class with some very knowledgeable women, that I realized I really didn’t know much about giving birth and many of the options what were available to me—I knew there was a birthing center at the hospital, but I didn’t know how you made the decision to labor there. Lucky for me, these women helped me learn and expand my perceptions of birth, helped me gain the courage to have the type of labor I wanted and, in the process, became dear friends.
As I continued drifting through my first months of motherhood (because those first few months were really like being lost at sea), I turned to another excellent group of women from an online group, many of whom I had never met. Through posting of questions, reading others questions and responses, and starting to share my experience, I realized that I was developing my own parenting style. I was finding my groove.
I wanted to share what I learned. With friends who were newly pregnant or had just delivered babies, and with new friends who I bonded with because we were now part of this new club—motherhood.
Mothers are opinionated, because we have stories to share. The best part of all of this sharing and learning and teaching and developing, is that we are always evolving. We think we understand one part of it and then it changes and we move on. We take bits and pieces of what has worked for someone else and make it our own. All the while, standing on the shoulders of women who have come before us and helped to educate us. We celebrate what works for us and encourage others to try. We learn to trust in our instincts and let go of what doesn’t serve us. And we can do all of this by supporting one another.
Motherhood is exciting and terrifying, calm and chaotic, the best of times and the worst of times. Through these dichotomies, new and expectant mothers face countless adventures and challenges each day. On Mama's Mind as a community will provide new and expectant moms with resources for navigating motherhood.
By creating a community of mothers with differing backgrounds and parenting styles, On Mama's Mind aims to celebrate, honor, and guide mothers as they navigate the myriad possibilities of choices mothers are faced with. This site will offer multiple points of view, through real stories and experiences, so that mothers can find inspiration and tips in one location.
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