By Cristin
The difference between your first and second pregnancy...
First Pregnancy
Second Pregnancy
You read all the books, know every pregnancy symptom and when to expect it
Constantly sick and tired. You just assume it’s because you’re a mom
Search high and low for the perfect name, create name lists with meanings and pro/cons
Keep meaning to talk to your husband about the name
Know exactly what week, month you are in, right down to what fruit or vegetable the baby is the size of
Have to stop and think every time somebody asks you how far along you are
Take weekly pictures of your bump
Realize you’d better get some pictures in before the baby gets here
Every outfit for the baby’s first year is pretty much purchased, washed and hanging up
You keep meaning to look through your other kid’s clothes to see what will work to take this kid home in
You treat your bump as the fragile thing that is carrying your offspring
You often forget you’re pregnant and bump yourself into things. Worry the kid might come out with an imprint from the car door.
People ask you what you need and you point them to a carefully crafted registry, with thousands of items the “experts” say you can’t live without
People ask you what you need, and you say, “Hmm, maybe a couple of outfits? Otherwise, we’re good.”
You can’t imagine how it will feel to hold your own baby in your arms.
You can’t wait. <3
You CAN imagine how it will feel to hold your own baby in your arms.
You can’t wait. <3
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