Friday, May 30, 2014

Aliya's Birth Story

By Aliya

After an easy pregnancy I was shocked to learn at 35 weeks my son was breech. My doctor scheduled an external cephalic version at 37 weeks. In the two weeks before, I tried everything to get him to turn naturally. In my prenatal yoga class, the teacher was very helpful and showed me all types of positions to help with turning him. I felt silly being upside down hanging off my couch, but I was determined. I wanted a natural birth. Unfortunately, I would learn that he was too big at the time to turn and my pelvis was too small.

When I went in for the version, they did a stress test and it showed that the baby’s heart rate went down a few times. So they didn’t end up doing the version but they wanted to monitor the heart rate for a bit longer. I went in on September 14th for a third stress test. After two hours of waiting and having me turn side to side, one of my OBGYN’s partners came and explained to me that when I lie on one side the baby's head rested on the umbilical cord and the heartbeat was faint. She suggested I have him that night via c section. She told me that I might as well have him now rather than waiting and risking anything. My stomach flipped and I thought about how my dad was on a plane at that moment, back to Chicago. He was planning on coming back a week after the birth. I called my husband, Jerome, right away. Not only was my son going to be born two weeks early, but my regular doctor was away and could not deliver him. Another doctor would have to perform the section. They told me I could go home and get my bag and come back at 6pm to prepare for the section.

So I came home and cried as I felt totally unprepared. I remember being on the train coming back home in a daze. I saw one of my old bosses from my previous job on the subway but tried to avoid him seeing me as I was not in a state to socialize. I’m sure he would have been really happy for me but I didn’t feel like talking to anybody but Jerome at that moment.

When I got home, I told Jerome to take a picture of my last day pregnant. Overall, I enjoyed the pregnancy, feeling him kick and move, the energy I had, and of course, the wonderful attention from so many people that I will never have again. I packed a bag and then Jerome and I headed to the hospital. This was my last subway ride as a pregnant lady.

I was really nervous as we arrived at the hospital. I checked in and then they took me to a room and started an IV. My sister, Nadia, came shortly after and kept us company.

I went to use the restroom right before the IV was put in and I looked at my pregnant belly one last time in the mirror. It will probably be the last time I will ever be pregnant as Jerome does not want any more children. I felt a sense of loss for some reason and then left the restroom.

Nadia and Jerome stayed with me for awhile. It felt like hours before they finally took me into the operating room. The nurse asked me what I was having and then told me that so many boys were being born this month. She was making jokes to try and calm my nerves. It helped for the time being until I entered the operating room. There were so many instruments and machines, it looked like I was abducted by aliens, this was their spaceship and they were about to dissect me.

They placed me on the operating table and the doctor came in asking the nurses where the anesthesiologist was. He finally came in and told me to sit up. The nurse stood in front of me to hold my hand while he stuck a needle in my spine. It was the weirdest pain I have ever felt. It was almost like a Charlie horse in the spine but ten times worse. They laid me down and I gradually became numb from the waist down. My legs started to feel like giant tree trunks. I knew they were there but that was it.

After this it felt like forever before they started. I felt very much in a daze at this point and I was shaking. I was cold but also terrified. Not only was I terrified of the operation, but in a matter of 30 minutes I would meet my son and my life will be totally changed. They let Jerome in and he sat next to me to hold my hand. I wanted to cry but was too scared. The other nurse was talking to me and this comforted me a little. I needed a distraction. The doctor told me she was starting and I squeezed Jerome’s hand. Of course I didn’t feel anything. I told Jerome not to look, but I think he looked once. The doctor told me what she was doing and that he was almost out. I think it took only about 15 minutes to take him out. I was so drugged out my eyes were watering and I felt like I was high. I heard a coughing and then a cry. It was Benjamin! In my daze, I asked if that was him, and Jerome said it was and he got up to go see. I was disappointed I couldn’t see or hold him at this point. I kept asking what was happening. They were weighing him and cleaning him up. I heard the nurse yell, “He’s really cute Aliya!” At this point Jerome was taking pictures. I asked how much he weighed and they said he was 7 pound 2.8 ounces.

Finally Jerome brought him over and he was swaddled in blankets. He was beautiful and I couldn’t stop smiling. His little squished up face was peeking out of the bundle of blankets. I didn’t really know what to think, I couldn’t believe that this little person came out of me. At this point I didn’t care how he was born, as long as he was healthy and safe.

Jerome went with the baby and the nurse to the nursery. I wanted to see the baby again but they had to stitch me up and then let the anesthesia wear off enough so that I could go to recovery. They then rolled me into a dark, quiet room where I was told to sit until I could move my feet. This took hours. Nadia came and sat with me. Jerome came too with the baby and they took a picture with my phone. I sent the picture to a lot of people announcing Benjamin’s birth. The nurse gave me Benjamin’s foot prints.

After I could feel my feet, they took me to my recovery room in which I would meet my roommate the next day. Luckily I had the window and it was a nice view of Roosevelt Island and the East River. That night I got to sit with baby for awhile and Jerome took pictures but I really couldn’t move and was in a lot of pain so they had the baby in the nursery that night. I had decided to breastfeed so I tried to get the baby to latch on even though my milk had not come in. It was just to practice and trigger milk production. I never knew that this would be one of the biggest challenges I’ve ever had to face.

I stayed in the hospital for four nights and arrived home with our baby boy about to face the next test of life…breast feeding and surviving on little sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I never knew that you wrote this. That was the most special day of my life.

    -Jerome Smyth
