Meet Sara A.

Name: Sara A.

Age: 33

Number of children: 2 boys, Roo, age 3 (born in November) and Sealy, 11 months (born in April)

Relationship status: Married

Interests/Activities: writing, books, fitness, food/restaurants, cooking/baking, music, sports

Employment status: I work full time in behavioral health

Parenting style: I try to be fairly relaxed in my parenting but believe in having a routine and consistent rules and expectations.  I try to be purposeful in the choices I make in regards to my children and how I speak to them.  I want them to grow to be confident, happy and healthy, both emotionally and physically.  I try to model these behaviors and talk to them about the choices our family makes and why we do things the way that we do. 

Birth experience: I delivered both my boys vaginally with an epidural in a hospital with a midwife.  I was induced with my oldest a week past my due date.  My water broke three days before my due date with my baby.

Infant feeding method: Exclusively breastfed both boys but pumped/bottle fed when at work

Sleep philosophy/training: Sleep is essential and we used Dr. Marc Weisbluth's Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child as a guide.  Naps and bedtime are sacred and protected!

Childcare: Currently, both my boys are in a daycare center 5 days a week. 

Where I live: I live in a suburban area in the Pacific Northwest

Favorite kid activities: Children's Museum, parks, zoo, legos, books, cooking/baking

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